A Deeper Dive Into What Deep Spatiotemporal Networks Encode: Quantifying Static vs. Dynamic Information (CVPR 2022)

June 7, 2022


Deep spatiotemporal models are used in a variety of computer vision tasks, such as action recognition and video object segmentation. Currently, there is a limited understanding of what information is captured by these models in their intermediate representations. For example, while it has been observed that action recognition algorithms are heavily influenced by visual appearance in single static frames, there is no quantitative methodology for evaluating such static bias in the latent representation compared to bias toward dynamic information (e.g., motion). We tackle this challenge by proposing a novel approach for quantifying the static and dynamic biases of any spatiotemporal model. To show the efficacy of our approach, we analyse two widely studied tasks, action recognition and video object segmentation. Our key findings are threefold: (i) Most examined spatiotemporal models are biased toward static information; although, certain two-stream architectures with cross-connections show a better balance between the static and dynamic information captured. (ii) Some datasets that are commonly assumed to be biased toward dynamics are actually biased toward static information. (iii) Individual units (channels) in an architecture can be biased toward static, dynamic or a combination of the two.

Method Overview

We quantify the amount of static and dynamic information contained in spatio-temporal models through an estimation of mutual information between static and dynamic pairs. For action recognition models, the static pairs consist of the same video with shuffled frames. For the dynamic pair, we use the same video with two different styles. For video object segmentation (we explore two-stream models in this work), we use flow-jitter to perturb the dynamic information and stylization to perturb the static information.


The first domain we study with our proposed approach is action recognition. A main finding in our work is that Diving48 is not as biased towards dynamics as previously thought. Interestingly, something-something-v2 guides the model to learn significantly more dynamic information than either Diving48 or Kinetics. Additionally, Diving48 results in `residual' neurons: neurons which encode neither static nor dynamic information. Our method has shown generality to other tasks such as video object segmentation (VOS). We found that 2-stream architectures with cross connections result in a better balance between static and dynamic. Originally, reciprocal (motion-to-appearance and appearance-to-motion) cross connections in RTNet showed few dynamic units. However, we showed that a model with reciprocal cross connections that does not undergo DUTS pretraining results in more dynamics. Finally, we show well known datasets used for training VOS models are static biased and find that TAOVOS may act as a better dataset to encourage the learning of dynamics.

Presentation and Demo


Matt Kowal

Mennatullah Siam

Md Amirul Islam

Neil D.B. Bruce

Richard P. Wildes

Konstantinos G. Derpanis





    author = {Kowal, Matthew and Siam, Mennatullah and Islam, Md Amirul and Bruce, Neil and Wildes, Richard P. and Derpanis, Konstantinos G.},
    title = {A Deeper Dive Into What Deep Spatiotemporal Networks Encode: Quantifying Static vs. Dynamic Information},
    booktitle = {Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
    year = {2022}